Folësit e ftuar

Prof. Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
President  World Educational Research Association (WERA)Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey
Prof.Dr.Oğuz ÖZYARAL
Universiteti Rumeli ne İstanbul (Prorektor)Tema: Novel Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) and University Students- A Cronpehensive Review of Literature
Prof. Dr. Serdar YAVUZ
SOBIAD Coordınator
Use of digital resources in the pandemic process-SOBİAD
Prof. Dr. Erdoğan TEZCİ
Unıversıteti i Balıkesir, Fakulteti i EdukimitTema: Edukimi dhe e Ardhmja në Procesin Pandemik